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  • Writer's pictureSarah Carlson

5 Ways to Cope with Financial Stress

Money doesn't buy happiness, but it certainly can add a lot of stress to your life. If you're feeling the financial pinch, you're not alone. In fact, money is one of the leading causes of stress in America today.

But just because money is a common source of stress doesn't mean you have to put up with it. Here are five effective ways to cope with financial stress.

1. Talk to Someone Who can Help

If you're feeling overwhelmed by your finances, the first step is to talk to someone who can help. This could be a financial advisor, a credit counselor, or even a close friend or family member who is good with money. Talking about your finances can be tough, but it's an important first step in getting them back on track.

2. Stick to your Budget

One of the best ways to combat financial stress is to get organized and make a budget. When you know where your money is going each month, it's easier to make adjustments where necessary and stick to your goals. There are plenty of helpful budgeting tools available online and in app stores, so there's no excuse not to have a budget in place.

3. Get Rid of Debt

Another key way to reduce financial stress is to get rid of debt—and that starts with stopping the cycle of taking on new debt. If you're carrying credit card balances from month to month, now is the time to make a plan to pay them off. Getting out of debt will free up more money each month and leave you feeling less stressed about your finances.

4. Build an Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is essential for dealing with financial surprises—like a job loss, medical bills, or car repairs—without adding more stress to your life. Experts recommend saving enough money to cover three to six months' worth of living expenses, but even $500 or $1,000 can give you some peace of mind knowing that you have a cushion if something unexpected comes up.

Just remember: an emergency fund is for emergencies only! Don't dip into it for non-essential purchases or you'll end up right back where you started (and probably even more stressed).

5. Take Care of Yourself Financially and Physically

Last but not least, don't forget to take care of yourself both financially and physically when coping with financial stress. That means making smart choices like eating healthy meals instead of opting for restaurant delivery every night and choosing less expensive forms of entertainment like streaming movies at home instead of going out to the theater every weekend.

It also means taking care of your physical health by getting regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and managing stress in healthy ways like yoga or meditation—all things that will help improve your mood and reduce anxiety overall.


Financial stress is deeply rooted in American society today—but that doesn't mean you have to suffer through it alone! By following these five tips, you can start reducing financial stress immediately and begin enjoying your life again without the constant worry about money hanging over your head.

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